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Closest competitor is 21% more expensive than Drive lah

- Total Rental cost for a guest which includes fuel and insurance. Fuel is based on $0.18 / km.
- The monthly subscription fee (if any) per trip is based on the average of 3 trips per month, e.g. if $8 per month, then $8/3 is added to the trip.
- “Lowest priced car” for a particular car category at all service providers are compared for same date and time.
- The cost for adding $100 to wallet is also included in the price, e.g. if you add $100 in your wallet and have $98 to spend, then calculation includes 2% payment fees per trip.
- We are comparing 6hr trips from 3 pm to 9 pm on Wednesday, Jan 12th, 2022 for given car categories on all platforms. Similarly, the 24hr trips are compared from Wednesday, Jan 12th, 2022, 3 pm until Thursday, Jan 13th, 3 pm.
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