Welcome to our latest newsletter, designed to enhance your car rental journey with Drive lah. We have some exciting updates and valuable tips to share with you. Let's dive right in!

Drive to Malaysia

Rent cars for driving to Malaysia with Drive lah at no extra costs! Simply pick a car you like and you are good to go. Choose from wide varity of available cars.

View Available Cars for Rent

Choose Flex+: The Ultimate Long-Term Leasing Solution

Looking for an extended car rental option? Enjoy the lowest prices and exclusive benefits by choosing Flex+. Experience the freedom of driving without the hassle of car ownership.

View Cars Available for Long Term Leasing

Tips on How to Be a Great Guest on Drive lah

Great experiences are built on mutual respect. These tips will help you create positive experiences and foster a thriving community of car sharing enthusiasts. Read more to find out how to be a great guest on Drive lah.

Earn up to $88 for Pasting Stickers on Your Car!

Earn extra cash with Drive lah. Participate in our Sticker Drive and earn $25, $58 or $88 for pasting our stickers on your car. Book a slot now.

Large Sticker - https://calendly.com/sgdlops/sticker-large-clone?month=2023-05

Small & Medium Sticker - https://calendly.com/jay-625/sticker-small-medium?month=2023-05

Accelerate your Drive lah Experience

Upgrade your Drive lah app today! Don't miss out on a faster, cooler app. Upgrade to unlock the latest features and enhancements!

Update Drive lah App now.