Are you one of those people who believe in the idea of a ‘New Year, New Me’? Have made your set of resolutions for 2023? New Year's resolutions can be a great way to motivate ourselves to make positive changes in our lives. However, it's important to keep in mind that resolutions don't have to be all about deprivation and discipline. They can also be about finding joy and balance in our lives.
Eat healthier, exercise more, save money, get organized - you know the drill!
We have made a round-up of some super funny, weird, or even not commonly thought-of New Year Resolutions in Singapore. Let’s dive in.

Funny Resolutions
Whoever wrote this has a great sense of humour. If you know them, we at Drive lah would love to meet them. :p
I resolve to finally teach my pet rock to do tricks.
I resolve to stop procrastinating by putting things off until tomorrow.
I resolve to invent a time machine and go back to last year to make better resolutions.
I resolve to stop being late by showing up early to everything.
I resolve to stop eating cake because it's not a meal.
I resolve to finally learn how to play the spoons.
I resolve to stop getting lost in my own house.
I resolve to finally figure out what the third button on the microwave does.
I resolve to stop talking to my plants and start listening to them.
I resolve to stop using my phone as a pillow.
I resolve to become a professional bubble wrap popper.
I resolve to start a collection of novelty socks.
I resolve to finally learn how to fold a fitted sheet.
I resolve to stop using emojis and start using more creative forms of communication, like interpretive dance.
I resolve to stop pretending to know how to fix things and just call a professional.
I resolve to stop buying books that I never end up reading.
I resolve to start a collection of decorative tape dispensers.
I resolve to stop procrastinating by procrastinating on procrastinating.
I resolve to stop buying clothes that I never wear and just wear the ones I already have.
I resolve to stop trying to sing in the shower and just stick to humming.
I resolve to stop using the excuse 'my dog ate it' and just admit that I lost it.
I resolve to stop forgetting where I put my keys and start forgetting where I put everything else.
I resolve to start a collection of novelty pens.
I resolve to stop pretending to be a morning person and just embrace my inner night owl.
I resolve to stop using my phone as a flashlight and just use a real flashlight.
Practical and thought-provoking resolutions

I resolve to finally finish that jigsaw puzzle that's been sitting on my dining room table for the past three years.
I resolve to stop procrastinating and actually follow through on my to-do list... at least for the first week of the year.
I resolve to stop making excuses and actually go to the gym on a regular basis... or at least pretend as I do on social media.
I resolve to stop being a perfectionist and embrace the chaos of life. Or at least try to hide it better.
I resolve to stop taking myself so seriously and learn to laugh at my own mistakes.
I resolve to stop making grand plans and just take things one day at a time.
I resolve to stop hoarding clutter and actually get around to decluttering my home... eventually.
I resolve to stop procrastinating on my hobbies and actually follow through on at least one creative project.
I resolve to stop being a perfectionist and learn to embrace the beauty of imperfection.
I resolve to stop stressing about things that are out of my control and focus on the things that I can change.
I resolve to stop overthinking everything and just go with the flow.
I resolve to stop trying to be someone I'm not and embrace my unique quirks and quirks.
I resolve to stop comparing myself to others and focus on my own personal growth.
I resolve to stop worrying about the future and just enjoy the present moment.
I resolve to stop being so hard on myself and learn to love and accept myself just the way I am.
Here are some of our suggested resolutions
We have ‘plugged’ them into the context of Car sharing ;)
If you have not made any New Year's resolutions, these are worth considering. Whether you are a car owner or someone who rents a car, check these out.
- I resolve to make extra money this year by renting out my car when it is not in use.
- I resolve to decrease the number of cars on the road by opting for car sharing rather than purchasing a car.
- I resolve to return the rented car to the host in a clean and well-maintained state.
- I resolve to return the rented car on time, with the same amount of fuel as when I picked it up.
- I resolve to treat the rented car with the same care as if it were my own while I am using it.
What else would you add to the list of 2023 New Year Resolutions?
I hope these resolutions bring a smile to your face and inspire you to have a little bit of fun with your own resolutions for the new year!
PS: If you have not rented a car with Drive lah yet, add that to your list of resolutions this 2023. ;)
Happy New Year!