For Singaporean drivers, the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) is an essential aspect of vehicle ownership. If your COE is reaching its expiration, it's important to understand your options and the process involved in COE renewal. Let Drive lah guide you with all the detailed information you need related to renewing your COE, the associated costs, and how to make an informed decision about your vehicle, lets begin!

Understanding COE and PQP

What is COE?

The COE is a certificate that grants the holder the right to own and operate a vehicle in Singapore for a period of 10 years. When your COE expires, you must either renew it or deregister your vehicle.

What is PQP?

The Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP) is the average of the COE prices over the past three months. PQP determines the cost of renewing your COE. For instance, if the COE prices in the last three months were $35,000, $36,000, and $34,000, the PQP would be the average of these amounts.

COE Renewal Options

When your COE is about to expire, you have the option to renew it for either 5 or 10 years. Here are the details of each option:

5-Year COE Renewal

- Cost: Lower PQP compared to a 10-year renewal.

- Flexibility: Suitable if you plan to switch to a new vehicle within the next five years.

- Limitation: Can only be renewed once for another 5-year term.

10-Year COE Renewal

- Cost: Higher PQP, but you spread the cost over a longer period.

- Commitment: Ideal if you plan to keep your car for a long time.

- Benefit: Unlimited renewals after each 10-year term.

 Cost Analysis: COE Renewal vs. Buying a New Car

COE Renewal Costs

Renewing your COE involves paying the PQP. Here’s a comparison table:

Renewal Period
PQP Amount
Total Cost over Period
5 Years
10 Years

Buying a New Car

Buying a new car involves multiple costs, including the car's purchase price, registration fees, COE, and taxes. Here's a rough cost breakdown:

Car Purchase Price
Registration Fees
Additional Taxes

As you can see, renewing your COE can be significantly cheaper than buying a new car.

Renew COE, Sell Your Car, or Scrap Your Car?

Renew COE

Renewing your COE is a good option if your car is still in good condition and you wish to continue driving it. This allows you to avoid the costs associated with purchasing a new vehicle. Here’s what you need to consider:

- Vehicle Condition: Ensure your car is mechanically sound to avoid frequent repairs.

- Financial Readiness: Be prepared for the cost of COE renewal and any potential future maintenance expenses.

- PQP Trends: Monitor PQP trends to decide the best time for renewal, aiming for lower costs.

Sell Your Car

If you prefer not to renew your COE, selling your car might be a viable option. You can use the proceeds to purchase a newer vehicle or invest elsewhere. Consider the following:

- Market Value: Check the current market value of your car to ensure you get a fair price.

- Timing: Selling before your COE expires can fetch a better price compared to after expiry.

- Vehicle Condition: Well-maintained cars generally sell at higher prices.

Scrap Your Car

Scrapping your car might be the best option if it’s old or requires frequent repairs. You can take advantage of the PARF (Preferential Additional Registration Fee) and COE rebates:

- PARF Rebate: Available if your car is less than 10 years old.

- COE Rebate: Available for the unused portion of your COE.

How to Check Your COE Renewal Eligibility

Before proceeding with COE renewal, ensure your vehicle is eligible:

1. Log in to OneMotoring: Access the OneMotoring website.

2. Navigate to COE Renewal: Find the COE renewal section.

3. Check Eligibility: Enter your vehicle’s details to confirm eligibility and view PQP.

Steps to Renew Your COE

1. Calculate PQP: Determine the PQP for your vehicle category.

2. Choose Renewal Period: Decide between a 5-year or 10-year renewal.

3. Make Payment: Pay the PQP via the OneMotoring portal or at LTA.

4. Submit Application: Complete the COE renewal application online or in person.

COE Renewal Loan: A Financial Lifeline

A COE renewal loan can help manage the substantial cost of renewal. Here’s how it works:

- Loan Amount: Covers the PQP, spread over a fixed term.

- Interest Rate: Varies by lender; compare rates for the best deal.

- Repayment Period: Typically 1 to 7 years, depending on lender policies.

Benefits of Hosting Your Car with Drive lah

As a car owner in Singapore, making the most of your vehicle can include earning extra income by hosting your car on Drive mate. Drive lah provides a platform that makes this easy and stress-free:

- Earn Extra Income: Monetize your car during periods of low usage.

- Comprehensive Insurance: Drive lah covers your car with comprehensive insurance during rentals.

- Vetted Renters: Each renter is thoroughly vetted to ensure they meet safety and reliability standards.

- Easy Management: The platform simplifies the rental process, from bookings to payments.

By hosting your car on Drive lah, you can offset some of the costs associated with COE renewal and maintenance while providing a valuable service to those who need temporary transportation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about COE Renewal in Singapore

Q: What is the PQP for COE renewal?
A: The Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP) is the average of the COE prices in the last three months. It’s the amount you pay to renew your COE.

Q: Can I renew my COE for less than 5 years?
A: No, COE renewal is only available for either 5 or 10 years.

Q: What happens if I don’t renew my COE on time?
A: Your vehicle will be automatically deregistered, and you must either renew the COE within a month with a late fee or dispose of the vehicle.

Q: Can I sell my car with an expired COE?
A: No, you must renew the COE or deregister and scrap the car before selling.

Q: Is it better to renew COE for 5 or 10 years?
A: It depends on your long-term plans. A 5-year renewal is cheaper but can only be renewed once. A 10-year renewal is more expensive but offers long-term flexibility.

Q: What documents are needed for COE renewal?
A: Typically, you need your vehicle registration details, identification, and payment for the PQP.

Q: Can I apply for a COE renewal loan online?
A: Yes, many banks and financial institutions offer online applications for COE renewal loans.

Q: How does hosting my car on Drive lah work?
A: Register your car on Drive lah, set availability and pricing, and start earning when your car is rented out. Drive lah handles vetting, insurance, and payments.


Navigating the COE renewal process in Singapore requires careful planning and understanding of the costs and benefits involved. Whether you choose to renew, sell, or scrap your vehicle, being informed will help you make the best decision. Additionally, Hosting your car on Drive lah can help you earn extra money while you can have peace of mind, ensuring you maximize the value of your vehicle throughout its lifespan. We hope this guide helped you, see you on the road!

Also read:
The Changing Landscape of Car Ownership in Singapore
COE Renewal: 5 Years vs. 10 Years – Making the Right Choice
Unlocking Superhost Secrets: Ms. Razan's Journey with Drive lah