Air pollution is a major problem in many cities around the world, and cars are one of the main contributors to this issue. The exhaust fumes released by cars contain a variety of harmful pollutants, including nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and carbon monoxide. These pollutants can have serious health impacts, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and even premature death. However, there are ways to reduce the amount of air pollution caused by cars, and one of the most promising options is car sharing.

Below are 11 global statistics about air pollution caused by cars

  1. According to the International Energy Agency, the transport sector is responsible for about 25% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

  2. In the United States, transportation is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector, accounting for 28% of the total.

  3. On-road vehicles, including cars, trucks, and buses, are responsible for more than 80% of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions from the transportation sector.

  4. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is responsible for over 4 million premature deaths each year.

  5. According to the European Environment Agency, road transport accounts for 72% of nitrogen oxide emissions and 49% of particulate matter emissions in the European Union.

  6. In London, cars are responsible for around 80% of nitrogen oxide emissions.

  7. In the United States, transportation is responsible for more than 50% of carbon monoxide emissions, which can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

  8. According to the World Health Organization, ambient air pollution causes over 4 million premature deaths each year, with the majority occurring in low- and middle-income countries.

  9. Air pollution is linked to a variety of health problems, including asthma, lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and premature death.

  10. According to the American Lung Association, more than 40% of people in the United States live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution.

  11. In addition to the health impacts, air pollution also has economic costs. The World Bank estimates that air pollution costs the global economy $5.11 trillion per year in lost productivity and healthcare costs.

Also Read: Unlocking the Economic Benefits of Car Sharing: Save Money & Help the Planet

What is Car Sharing

Car sharing is a transportation model where individuals or groups of people share a car for a single trip or for a longer period of time. This can be done through car-sharing services such as Turo, ZipCar, Drive lah, or through informal arrangements among friends and neighbors. By sharing a car, people can reduce the number of cars on the road, which can have a significant impact on air pollution.

One of the main ways that car sharing reduces air pollution is by reducing the overall number of cars on the road. When more people share a car, fewer cars are needed to transport the same number of people. This means that there are fewer cars on the road, which can reduce traffic congestion and emissions from cars. For example, a study conducted in London found that car sharing reduced the number of cars on the road by up to 13%, which led to a significant reduction in emissions.

In addition to reducing the number of cars on the road, car sharing can also encourage people to use more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. Many car-sharing services offer electric or hybrid vehicles, which emit fewer pollutants than traditional gas-powered cars. By using these vehicles, car-sharing users can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.

Also Read: The future of car ownership? A look at peer-to-peer car sharing

Check out these interesting statistics on the impact of car sharing in reducing air pollution

  1. Car sharing has been shown to reduce the number of cars on the road, which can significantly reduce air pollution. One study found that car sharing can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50%.

  2. According to a study by the University of California, car sharing programs can reduce the number of vehicles on the road by up to 10% in urban areas.

  3. A survey of car-sharing users in Germany found that car sharing reduced the number of cars on the road by 1.2 million, which resulted in a reduction of 540,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

  4. In Brussels, Belgium, car sharing resulted in a reduction of 11,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

  5. In San Francisco, California, a car-sharing program reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 19 million pounds between 2010 and 2015.

  6. In the city of Milan, Italy, the introduction of a car-sharing program led to a reduction of 32% in the number of cars on the road and a reduction of 36% in CO2 emissions.

  7. A study in the United Kingdom found that car sharing can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 54% per trip compared to single-occupancy vehicles.

  8. In Toronto, Canada, a car-sharing program reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2,300 tons between 2013 and 2017.

  9. In Seoul, South Korea, a car-sharing program reduced the number of cars on the road by 35,000 and reduced CO2 emissions by 44,000 tons between 2012 and 2018.

  10. A study in the United States found that car sharing could reduce carbon emissions by up to 33% if it were widely adopted.

  11. In the city of Vienna, Austria, a car-sharing program reduced the number of cars on the road by 4,000 and reduced CO2 emissions by 3,700 tons per year.

Is Car Sharing the solution to reduce air pollution?

Car sharing is not the only solution for reducing air pollution, but it can be an effective part of a broader strategy to address this issue. For example, in cities where public transportation is not widely available or convenient, car sharing can provide an alternative to individual car ownership, which can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road.

Car sharing can also be a good option for people who need to use a car occasionally, but not frequently enough to justify owning one themselves. By sharing a car with others, they can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.

While car sharing may not be the solution for reducing air pollution in all situations, it is certainly one of the strategies that can help move towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation system.


Air pollution is a serious problem that affects millions of people around the world. Cars are one of the main contributors to air pollution, but car sharing offers a promising solution to this issue. By reducing the number of cars on the road and encouraging the use of more environmentally friendly vehicles, car sharing can significantly reduce air pollution and improve the health and well-being of people living in cities. As more people become aware of the benefits of car sharing, we can expect to see a shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transportation in the future.