Buying a car in Singapore is a significant investment, and with the high costs involved, it’s crucial to make informed decisions. Whether you're a local or someone who has recently moved to Singapore, the car-buying process can be daunting. With a wide range of options and considerations, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and make mistakes that could cost you down the line. This blog post by Drive lah is designed to guide you through the common pitfalls and help you focus on what truly matters when buying a car in Singapore.

1. Getting Emotionally Attached

It’s easy to fall in love with a car based on its looks or the way it makes you feel. However, allowing emotions to drive your decision-making process can lead to regrettable choices. You might end up stretching your budget for a car that’s more than you need or committing to a vehicle that doesn’t suit your lifestyle. Keep your emotions in check and focus on the practical aspects of the purchase. Remember, the car should serve your needs, not the other way around.

2. Don't let brand Brand name cloud your judgement

One of the most common mistakes buyers make is letting brand loyalty dictate their choices. While it’s understandable to have a preference for a particular brand, especially if you’ve had good experiences in the past, it’s important not to let this cloud your judgment. When buying a car in Singapore, it’s essential to research the latest models from various brands, considering factors like reliability, safety, and cost of ownership rather than sticking to one brand out of habit.

3. Falling for Dealer Financing Traps

Dealerships often entice buyers with attractive financing offers, but these can come with higher interest rates compared to other options. It’s important to shop around for financing before stepping into a dealership. Credit unions and banks may offer more competitive rates and better terms. Additionally, make sure you fully understand all the terms and conditions before signing any paperwork. Be wary of tactics like “spot delivery” or “yo-yo financing,” where the dealer allows you to take the car home before the financing is finalized, only to call you back later with less favorable terms.

4. Overlooking the Importance of Insurance

Car insurance is a mandatory and significant cost in Singapore, and different cars can have vastly different insurance premiums. Before deciding on a car, get insurance quotes for the models you’re considering. Factors such as the car’s engine size, safety features, and repair costs can all affect your premium. Choosing a car with lower insurance costs can save you a considerable amount of money over the years.

5. Ignoring Total Cost of Ownership

The purchase price of a car is just the beginning. In Singapore, you must also consider the Certificate of Entitlement (COE), road tax, insurance, and maintenance costs. Some cars may have a lower upfront cost but could be more expensive to maintain in the long run. Before making a purchase, calculate the total cost of ownership over the car’s expected lifespan. This will give you a more accurate picture of how much the car will truly cost you. Remember, buying a car in Singapore is a long-term commitment, so it’s essential to be aware of all the associated costs.

6. Not Considering Resale Value

In Singapore, where COE prices can fluctuate dramatically, resale value should be a key consideration when buying a car. Some brands and models tend to hold their value better than others. Research which cars have historically performed well in the resale market and consider choosing a model that is likely to retain its value. This way, when it comes time to sell, you’ll be able to recoup a larger portion of your initial investment.

7. Do not Skip The Thorough Test Drive

A test drive is your chance to experience how the car handles and feels in real-world conditions. Yet, many buyers rush through this step or skip it altogether. In Singapore’s unique driving environment, where you’ll be dealing with heavy traffic, narrow roads, and frequent stop-and-go situations, it’s crucial to ensure the car performs well under these conditions. Dont be shy to ask questions, take your time during the test drive, pay attention to comfort, visibility, and ease of use, and make sure the car meets your daily driving needs.

8. Getting Swayed by Flashy Features

In a market flooded with high-tech vehicles, it’s easy to get dazzled by features like panoramic roofs or advanced infotainment systems. While these features can enhance your driving experience, they often come at a premium and may not be essential for your daily commute. Before making a decision, ask yourself if these features are truly necessary or if they are simply nice-to-haves. Remember, the more features a car has, the more potential there is for things to go wrong. Focus on practicality and reliability over unnecessary luxury.

9. Focusing Too Much on top speed of the car

Singapore’s strict speed limits and urban driving conditions mean that high top speeds are rarely utilized. Yet, many buyers still prioritize this metric when choosing a car. While having a powerful engine can be appealing, it often comes with higher fuel consumption and insurance costs. Instead of focusing on top speed, consider how the car performs in real-world driving situations, such as city traffic or on expressways. Look for a car that offers a smooth, efficient driving experience rather than one that simply boasts impressive numbers on paper.

10. Rushing the Decision

Buying a car is a major decision that should never be rushed. Salespeople may try to create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers or pressure tactics, but it’s important to take your time and make an informed choice. Consider all your options, do your research, and don’t be afraid to walk away if you’re not completely satisfied. A well-considered decision will lead to greater satisfaction and peace of mind in the long run.

Bonus Tip: Consider Car Sharing as an Alternative to Buying

In Singapore, where car ownership is expensive, car sharing has become an increasingly popular option. Services like Drive lah allow you to rent a carwhen you need it, without the long-term financial commitment of ownership. This can be a great solution if you only need a car occasionally or if you want to avoid the hassle of maintenance, insurance, and parking costs.

But if you already own a car, did you know you can also earn extra income by sharing your car? With Drive lah, car owners can safely and easily share their cars with others, helping to offset the costs of ownership. Our platform ensures that your car is covered by insurance during every rental, and we handle all the logistics, so you can enjoy peace of mind. Whether you’re buying a car in Singapore or already own one, car sharing offers a flexible, cost-effective alternative to traditional ownership.


Buying a car in Singapore requires careful consideration and planning. By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on what really matters, you can make a smart, informed decision that meets your needs and fits your budget. Whether you’re renting a car or sharing your own, Drive lah is here to help you make the most of your vehicle. 

By keeping these tips in mind, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of buying a car in Singapore.
Remember, it's not just about getting the best deal; it's about making a choice that aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals. Happy car buying!

Also read:
Car Sharing 101: How to share your car on Drive lah
Driving Excellence: Super Host Samson's Journey with Drive lah
Understanding COE Quotas: A Simple Guide to Vehicle Ownership in Singapore